New Book Published by IGET-Network Press, Running the Long Race in Gifted Education/Culturally Diverse Gifted Adults, Families

May 24, 2011

Hannah and Candice using computerBackground2




NEW BOOK in Gifted Education:

RUNNING THE LONG RACE IN GIFTED EDUCATION: NARRATIVES AND INTERVIEWS FROM CULTURALLY DIVERSE GIFTED ADULTS (2016), Editors: Joy. M. Scott-Carrol, PhD and Anthony Sparks, PhD. ISBN:    978 -1945  271  00  7 .  1st Edition

Running the Long Race in Gifted Education: Narratives and Interviews from Culturally Diverse Gifted Adults is divided into five parts, the fourth of which is about navigating families. After many hours of going back and forth with my editor, I noticed that it lacked a parenting perspective close to my heart: out of classroom alternatives to intense gifted education classrooms. Following much deliberation, I decided that the missing perspective was my own—not as a gifted child, but as the parent of a gifted child. So my parental perspective as an educator felt like a natural and necessary contribution to the book.

The book is a collection of narratives and case studies useful for families, educators, and others who encounter gifted children from culturally diverse backgrounds. We did not interpret or analyze the collection, letting each individual part speak for itself. Numerous studies and publications draw conclusions about the culturally diverse gifted child’s social and emotional well-being; their academic challenges and obstacles; underrepresentation in gifted classrooms; and feelings of isolation. The book is different. Its unaccompanied narratives permit reader to gain knowledge without the influence of predetermined interpretation. This openness created the opportunity to develop a new theory.

Fifteen diverse adults identified as gifted in childhood offer insights on: gifted education programs, advanced educational pursuits, familial expectations, cultural and racial diversity, social-emotional influences and, living up to the designated “gifted” identity.  

Scott-Carrol is an international gifted education university professor, scholar and practitioner.  With 30-plus years of direct experience teaching and mentoring gifted young people, she has enjoyed affiliate memberships in professional associations, namely, the National Association of Gifted Children (NAGC) and also the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children (WCGT).  She is executive co-founder of IGET-Network, LLC.

Sparks is an award-winning television writer-producer and assistant professor of Television and Film at California State University, Fullerton.

Through personal narratives, the chapter contributors describe how they negotiated careers, higher education, cross-cultural differences, challenges and family choices.  This book is a must read for educators, parents and others interested in nurturing high intellectual potential.

Hardbound:  $29.95 USD

6” x 9”; 328 pages

Paperback: $19.95 USD

eBOOK: Kindle, Nook, $9.95 USD

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Bulk order discounts, title reviews and presentations by the editors, please email J.M. Scott-Carrol at 



Whether one is seeking innovations within education systems, the corporate world, manufacturing, infrastructure or government, more often than not there is never a need to re-invent the wheel. This book offers multiple perspectives on constants such as class, culture, race, gender and nationality in relation to intellectual abilities.

Across the globe, a precious mind is indeed a terrible thing to waste! In our fast-paced world there just isn’t enough time to sort through the impact one circumstance will have over another on the gifted individual’s life.  Each chapter contributor in Running the Long Race in Gifted Education present perspectives on being different not so unique across cultures, across borders and oceans. This book is a tremendous contribution to gifted education and how we seek to nurture potential among high achievers.


Marriage and family therapist, Ivy League doctoral graduates, National and international university professors, State senior performance auditor, STEM professionals, Computer science professionals, Mechanical engineer professor, Medical doctors, Biomedical engineer, School psychologist, Clinical psychologist, Published authors, Theater Directors,  Jewelry designer, Entrepreneurs, Civil engineer, CEOs, Oncology pathologist,  Gifted and talented scholar, University rehabilitation and human services department chair,  Hollywood television writer, Career changers


Black/African America, Spaniard, Mexican, South Asians, Caribbean, White American, Muslim, Jewish, American Southern Married, Divorced and Single Parents; Lower Socioeconomic Status, Higher Socioeconomic status, Clergy, First generation college graduates, Generation Xers and Baby boomers

Book Sections

Part I:      Identification and Participation in Gifted and Talented Programs

Part II:    Navigating Adulthood and Careers

Part III:   Navigating Cross-Cultural Access, Survival, and What’s Expected of Me

Part IV:   Navigating Families

Part V:     Navigating Self: To Belong or Not to Belong

How this book came about:

The seeds for Running the Long Race in Gifted Education were planted twenty-five years ago when Joy Scott-Carrol served as program director of Northwestern University’s Center for Talent Development NU-Horizons counseling program for gifted, economically disadvantaged, and culturally diverse college-bound tenth graders. The NU-Horizons program began by canvassing Chicago’s public schools for economically disadvantaged but academically gifted and culturally diverse students.

For three years (1988–1990) under Scott-Carrol’s leadership, approximately forty gifted students received extensive pre-college counseling and academic preparation for their likely admittance to highly selective universities. Despite challenges for securing long-term grant funding, the NU-Horizons program was a smashing success. Many of the mostly Black students were admitted to institutions of higher education, such as Harvard University, Cornell University, Rice University, Stanford University, Northwestern University, and the University of Chicago. At sixteen years old, I was one of the students in the program and went on to attend University of Southern California (USC) on scholarship.



Running the Long Race in Gifted Education: Narratives and Interviews from Culturally Diverse Gifted Adults, co-edited by Joy M. Scott-Carrol, PhD and Anthony Sparks, PhD. 

Visit our website at:

Closed/By Invitation Only  Facebook Group: Culturally Diverse Gifted Adults

Relevance for Families:

This book is for anyone with a stake in early-childhood, adolescent and higher education; with a stake in encouraging career goals matched to abilities; and with a stake in honing positive social emotional outcomes of gifted individuals from all walks of life. It is especially useful for parents, teachers, caregivers, counselors and diverse communities. 

  • what the gifted identity means within the family of origin
  • your gifted child’s inner strength to withstand obstacles
  • are gifted programs and gifted identification necessary
  • diverse ways to support your gifted child’s emotional needs
  • perceptions that the gifted identity and participation in gifted programs as elitist
  • high expectations at home and at school
  • communicating cross-culturally
  • communicating across generations
  • nurturing giftedness outside of classrooms
  • low teacher expectations
  • managing stress when your gifted child is not achieving at his/her highest potential
  • managing your own stress when your gifted child is treated unfairly
  • grade level acceleration or extra-curricular enrichment
  • coping with ‘isms” in relation to your child’s school environment
  • living your life through your child
  • Confronting teachers
  • mentoring
  • multiple career changes
  • the multitalented gifted child


Our growing list of affiliations include:

  • Affiliate of the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children
  • Affiliate of The African Federation for the Gifted and Talented
  • American Educational Research Association (AERA)
  • Beaulieu Preparatory School-Johannesburg, South Africa
  • Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)
  • Independent Schools Association of South Africa (ISASA)
  • National Association of Gifted Children (NAGC)
  • Northwestern University—Center for Talent Development—Evanston, Illinois (CTD)
  • Project U-Stars Plus—FPG Child Development Center—University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Summer Institute for the Gifted (SIG)
  • Wits School of Education (WSoE) University of Witwatersrand—Johannesburg, South Africa


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